Arbuscular Research Links

Thesis: The utilization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural and reforestation efforts can significantly enhance carbon sequestration, serving as an effective strategy to offset anthropogenic carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. These are the papers I have researched to synthesize this thesis (it is important t note that no research has been found to oppose this thesis):

Comparison of Gas Exchange in Moringa oleifera and other Drought Tolerant Tree Species for Climate Change Mitigation under Semi-arid Condition of Northern South Africa

(Plants Act As Carbon Sinks, Specifically The Moringa oleifera)

· The researchers aim to assess the potential of Moringa oleifera and other drought-tolerant tree species for climate change mitigation, focusing on their gas exchange properties, which are essential for carbon sequestration.

· The study involves comparing the photosynthetic rates, transpiration rates, and stomatal conductance of Moringa oleifera with those of other drought-tolerant tree species.

· The results demonstrate that Moringa oleifera has a higher photosynthetic rate and lower transpiration rate than the other species, making it an efficient species for carbon sequestration and water use.

· The findings suggest that Moringa oleifera could be a viable candidate for afforestation and reforestation projects, especially in semi-arid regions, to combat climate change.

· The authors recommend further research on Moringa oleifera and other drought-tolerant tree species to better understand their potential for climate change mitigation and to provide valuable information for policymakers and land-use planners.

Comparison of Gas Exchange in Moringa oleifera and other Drought Tolerant Tree Species for Climate Change Mitigation under Semi-arid Condition of Northern South Africa By:Mabapa, PM (Mabapa, Paulina Moshibudi) [1] , [2] ; Ayisi, KK (Ayisi, Kingsley Kwabena) [2] ; Mariga, IK (Mariga, Irvine Kwaramba) [1] Volume20 Issue12 Page2669-2676 DOI10.17957/IJAB/15.0808

Divergent consequences of hydrochar in the plant-soil system: Arbuscular mycorrhiza, nodulation, plant growth and soil aggregation effects

This article investigates the effects of hydrochar, a byproduct of hydrothermal carbonization, on various aspects of the plant-soil system.

· Hydrochar application can lead to divergent consequences in the plant-soil system, with both positive and negative effects observed.

· Positive effects include improved soil aggregation, which enhances soil structure and reduces erosion.

· However, hydrochar application also negatively impacts the symbiotic relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plants, reducing the benefits provided by AMF to plant growth.

· Additionally, the presence of hydrochar can hinder nodulation in legume plants, affecting nitrogen fixation and potentially reducing plant growth.

· The study suggests that the use of hydrochar in agricultural systems should be carefully considered due to the potential trade-offs between its benefits and drawbacks.

Divergent consequences of hydrochar in the plant-soil system: Arbuscular mycorrhiza, nodulation, plant growth and soil aggregation effects George, C (George, Carmen) ; Wagner, M (Wagner, Marcel) ; Kucke, M (Kuecke, Martin) ; Rillig, MC (Rillig, Matthias C.) (provided by Clarivate) Volume59 Page68-72DOI10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.02

Fungal biomass production in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 in a Glomus mosseae-Prunus cerasifera model system (Co2 made AM Grow longer!)

This study investigates the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels on the production of fungal biomass in a model system consisting of Glomus mosseae, an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, and Prunus cerasifera, a plant species.

· Elevated CO2 levels have been shown to stimulate plant growth and productivity, but their impact on fungal biomass production and mycorrhizal symbiosis has not been thoroughly examined.

· The researchers conducted an experiment where Glomus mosseae and Prunus cerasifera were exposed to different levels of CO2 concentration (ambient and elevated).

· The results showed that elevated CO2 concentrations led to increased fungal biomass production and colonization of the plant roots by the fungus.

· The increased fungal biomass production was positively correlated with the overall plant growth, which was also stimulated by the higher CO2 levels.

· The study concluded that elevated atmospheric CO2 levels can enhance the mutualistic relationship between Glomus mosseae and Prunus cerasifera, promoting both plant and fungal growth.

Fungal biomass production in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 in a Glomus mosseae-Prunus cerasifera model system

By:Fortuna, P (Fortuna, Paola) [1] , [3] ; Avio, L (Avio, Luciano) [2] ; Morini, S (Morini, Stefano) [3] ; Giovannetti, M (Giovannetti, Manuela) [1]

Volume11 Issue1 Page17-26 DOI10.1007/s11557-010-0721-2

Fungal diversity in peatlands and its contribution to carbon cycling

· The article explores the fungal diversity present in peatlands and its vital role in carbon cycling.

· Peatlands are crucial ecosystems due to their high carbon storage capacity, which helps mitigate climate change.

· Fungal communities are essential in peatlands for their decomposition abilities, which contribute to the carbon cycle.

· The authors review various fungal groups, such as saprotrophic, mycorrhizal, and endophytic fungi, and their specific roles in carbon cycling.

· The article highlights the importance of understanding fungal diversity and their ecological roles to better manage peatlands and preserve their carbon storage capabilities.

Fungal diversity in peatlands and its contribution to carbon cycling

By:Juan-Ovejero, R (Juan-Ovejero, R.) [1] ; Briones, MJI (Briones, M. J., I) [1] ; Opik, M (Opik, M.) [2] (provided by Clarivate) Volume146 Article Number103393 DOI10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.103393 Published FEB 2020

Global systematic review with meta-analysis shows that warming effects on terrestrial plant biomass allocation are influenced by precipitation and mycorrhizal association

· Warming affects terrestrial plant biomass allocation, which is a critical aspect of ecosystem functioning and climate change feedback.

· The impact of warming on biomass allocation is influenced by precipitation levels and mycorrhizal associations, a symbiotic relationship between plant roots and fungi.

· The study is based on a global systematic review and meta-analysis, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

· Results can help inform strategies for ecological conservation and climate change mitigation.

Zhou, L., Zhou, X., He, Y. et al. Global systematic review with meta-analysis shows that warming effects on terrestrial plant biomass allocation are influenced by precipitation and mycorrhizal association. Nat Commun 13, 4914 (2022).

Microbial functional changes mark irreversible course of Tibetan grassland degradation

This article discusses the irreversible degradation of Tibetan grasslands due to microbial functional changes. The research, published in May 2022, highlights that degradation is marked by alterations in the microbial community structure, diversity, and functionality.

· Tibetan grasslands are experiencing irreversible degradation, which has severe implications for the ecosystem and local livelihoods.

· The study focuses on the soil microbial communities and their functions, which are crucial for maintaining soil fertility and plant growth.

· The researchers found significant alterations in the microbial community structure, diversity, and functionality due to grassland degradation.

· These microbial functional changes are suggested to be the primary drivers of the observed degradation, leading to negative consequences for the ecosystem.

Breidenbach, A., Schleuss, PM., Liu, S. et al. Microbial functional changes mark irreversible course of Tibetan grassland degradation. Nat Commun 13, 2681 (2022).

Roles of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Plant Phosphorus Nutrition

Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are symbiotic associations between plants and fungi that play a crucial role in plant phosphorus (P) nutrition.

· Two primary pathways of phosphorus uptake exist in AM roots: the direct pathway (plant uptake) and the indirect pathway (AM fungal uptake).

· Interactions between these two pathways can greatly influence the efficiency of phosphorus uptake and the overall plant phosphorus nutrition.

· The authors emphasize the importance of studying these interactions to better understand the underlying mechanisms of phosphorus acquisition in plants.

· Manipulating these interactions could potentially improve plant phosphorus acquisition, leading to increased crop yields and reduced dependency on environmentally harmful phosphorus fertilizers.

Smith, S. E., Jakobsen, I., Grønlund, M., & Smith, A. (2011). Roles of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Plant Phosphorus Nutrition: Interactions between Pathways of Phosphorus Uptake in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Roots Have Important Implications for Understanding and Manipulating Plant Phosphorus Acquisition. Plant Physiology, 156(3), 1050–1057.

Arbuscular mycorrhiza-specific enzymes FatM and RAM2 fine-tune lipid biosynthesis to promote development of arbuscular mycorrhiza

This study investigates the roles of two arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)-specific enzymes, FatM and RAM2, in the regulation of lipid biosynthesis and their importance in AM symbiosis.

· FatM and RAM2 are enzymes exclusively expressed in AM symbiosis and are responsible for lipid biosynthesis.

· FatM and RAM2 are essential for the development of AM, as they modulate the production of specific lipids that facilitate fungal penetration and colonization within plant roots.

· The authors identified a FatM-RAM2 lipid biosynthesis pathway, which is crucial for successful AM formation and function.

· The study highlights the significance of lipid biosynthesis in AM symbiosis and provides a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying this process.

Armando Bravo, Mathias Brands, Vera Wewer, Peter Dörmann, & Maria J. Harrison. (2017). Arbuscular mycorrhiza-specific enzymes FatM and RAM2 fine-tune lipid biosynthesis to promote development of arbuscular mycorrhiza. The New Phytologist, 214(4), 1631–1645.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase grain yields: a meta-analysis (Wheat, Corn, Rice, Barley, Sorghum, Millet, Oat meta-analysis for three datasets including both English and Chinese language including both laboratory and field studies 168 articles)

· In this research, the authors conducted a meta-analysis to assess the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on grain yields.

· The study found that AM fungi significantly increased grain yields across various crop species, with an overall average increase of 22%.

· This increase was found to be more pronounced in the case of cereals (25% increase) compared to non-cereal crops (18% increase).

· The positive effect of AM fungi on grain yields was observed across different experimental conditions, such as field and greenhouse studies, varying nutrient levels, and diverse agroecosystems.

· The findings suggest that incorporating AM fungi into agricultural practices could be a valuable strategy for improving crop yields and overall agricultural productivity.

Zhang, S., Lehmann, A., Zheng, W., You, Z., & Rillig, M. C. (2019). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase grain yields: a meta-analysis. The New Phytologist, 222(1), 543–555.

Trading on the arbuscular mycorrhiza market: from arbuscules to common mycorrhizal networks

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, facilitating the exchange of nutrients and water between the two partners.

· The formation of arbuscules, which are highly branched structures within the plant cells, is essential for the effective nutrient exchange between the plant and the fungus.

· Common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) are formed when AMF connect multiple plants, allowing for the exchange of nutrients and signaling molecules among them.

· CMNs can influence plant community dynamics by altering resource allocation, promoting plant diversity, and affecting the composition of plant communities.

· The "mycorrhizal market" metaphor is used to describe the complex trading of resources between plants and AMF, including the factors influencing the costs and benefits of this symbiotic relationship.

· The article highlights the importance of understanding the molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in the mycorrhizal symbiosis, in order to optimize the use of AMF in sustainable agricultural practices and ecosystem management.

· Wipf, D., Krajinski, F., van Tuinen, D., Recorbet, G. and Courty, P.-E. (2019), Trading on the arbuscular mycorrhiza market: from arbuscules to common mycorrhizal networks. New Phytol, 223: 1127-1142.

List of Keywords

Biochar, Hydrothermal carbonization, Hydrochar, Arbuscular mycorrhiza, Nodulation, Soil aggregation,

AM fungal biomass, Carbon sink, Chitin content, Extraradical mycelium, Elevated CO2,